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Because she was aristocratic, she could be able to have some noble titles like "Marquesa de Solanda y Villa Rocha" and first lady of Bolivia. She was also because she was the wife of the Venezuelan independence leader Antonio Jose de Sucre also called "Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho", due to that she was also considered "La primerísima Primera Dama de...

Manuela Saenz


She was an iconic South American woman, born in 1797 and passed away in 1856. Now a day she is known as "La libertadora del Libertador" because she saved Simon Bolivar's life in several occasions; but she contributed to Latin American Independence as well. She participated in the liberation of New Granada. She was the daughter of...

Manuela Espejo


Manuela de la Santa Cruz y Espejo was born on December 20th, 1753, in Quito. Her parents were called Luis Chuzig, an indigenous person, and María Catalina Aldás. Her parents were the ones that inspired her to study medicine, and her brother helped her to become a nurse. After this, she became the first nurse in the country. She...

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