Marquesa de Solanda


Social status:

Because she was aristocratic, she could be able to have some noble titles like "Marquesa de Solanda y Villa Rocha" and first lady of Bolivia. She was also because she was the wife of the Venezuelan independence leader Antonio Jose de Sucre also called "Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho", due to that she was also considered "La primerísima Primera Dama de Bolivia"

Basic Information

Mariana de Carcelén y Larrea also known as Marquesa de Solanda, was a female leader that had a great contribution towards the Ecuadorian independence. She was born on July 27th of 1805, in Quito, Pichincha. She came from a noble Spaniard lineage, which is why she married Antonio José de Sucre, who was a Venezuelan Libertador. Who was also an important leader for Latin American independences. Marquesa de Solanda had various marriages after Antonio José de Sucre died. Marquesa de Solanda was known because she donated money to her spouse's military campaigns, hence, showing the importance the independence had to her. This act shows the impact and the influence the independence had on poor and noble people. Finally, Mariana de Carcelén died at the age of 56 years on December 15th, 1861, in Quito Pichincha. 

 Basic Information:

  • Basic Information:

    Full Name: Mariana Carcelén y Larrea

    Prefix: Marquesa de Solanda

    Date of Birth: July 27th, 1805

    Date of Death: December 15, 1861

    Place of Birth: Quito, Ecuador (Pichincha)

    Place of Death: Quito, Ecuador (Pichincha)

    Social Status: Noble with Spanish lineage

    Spouse: Married to Antonio José de SucreBasic Information:

This letter was written by Antonio Jose de Sucre to Bolivar expressing his love for Mariana Carcelén

Contributions for Ecuador's Independence/ Role as a Female for the Independence

Contributions for Ecuador's Independence:

 Contributed with the donation of her Hacienda for the city of Quito Budgeted Antonio's military campaign

Role as a Female for the Independence:

Being a female, and living in that time period, she was forgotten and received no credit for her efforts towards the Independence.

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